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The Mr. Needs a Shave

A couple of weeks ago, the Mr. handed me this…

It happens to be his empty razor cartridge holder.

It was his not-so-subtle way of letting me know that I needed to buy him more.

“Wait,” I said, “until I can find a coupon.”

Poor guy.

He waited a week, reminded me of his request, and then reminded again…this time with the admonition that he had just cut himself on a blade that was getting more and more dull by the day.

Fortunately (for both of us), Target had Gillette Fusion razors on sale this week, and Your’s Truly had coupons.

Here’s a picture of everything I bought today…

Now, let’s talk deals.

First of all, I bought everything in three separate transactions.

For Transaction #1:

I used the following coupons…

Let’s talk $$.

First off, the red Gillette coupon was a Target peelie that I found a month or two ago when I bought Venus Razors.  I only grabbed one because I didn’t think it was all that great of a deal.  Turns out I was wrong.

To get the $4 off, I had to buy a box of razor cartridges and a twin-pack of gel (which I later returned because I didn’t have a coupon on it).

So, the breakdown:

Razor – On sale for $7.94
Target Coupon – $4.00
Mfg coupon (which you can stack with store coupons) – $2.00
Total:  $1.94

I had a coupon for free Gillette Shampoo with the purchase of the razor.  The coupon did not specify a particular size bottle, nor did it specify a price (up to “X” amount), so I bought the largest bottle – $6.79 value
Total:  FREE

I had a coupon for free Gillette Body Wash with the purchase of the razor – $3.99

Catridges – $13.29 (ouch!)
Mfg Coupon – $4.00
Total: $9.29

I had a coupon for free Gillette Deodorant with the purchase of the cartridges.  I found a deodorant with a free sample size attached.  $4.24

I had a coupon for free Gillette Shaving Gel with the purchase of the cartridges – $3.59

Now here’s the awesome part.  This week, customers get a $5 Target gift card when they purchase two Gillette razors or cartridges (or a combination).  Woo Hoo!

Because I buy two papers each week, I had enough coupons for an almost identical deal – Transaction #2….

For this transaction, I had the following coupons…

This time, I didn’t have the $4 peelie, but I had something better…my $5 Target gift card.  So, I saved a dollar more than the previous round and got another set of free items!

Once again, at the end of the deal, I received a $5 gift card.

Time for Transaction #3.

Chicky has soccer games this weekend, so I knew we would need water.  We’ll be driving to South Carolina, and I like to keep a cooler in the back.  We’ll drink on the water all weekend…on the way, at the hotel, and during games.

The water was on sale for $3.99

One added treat:  two Twix bars.

Of course I had coupons for these.  Yesterday I received my last two free chocolate bar coupons.  I had originally planned on using them at Walgreens, which has Mars candy for $.49 this week, but on a whim, I stuck them in my back pocket and thought I’d check out Target’s prices.  The coupons are only good for up to $.85.  Target sold them for $.52.

Free is free, and knocking one store off of my list made me happy.

I used the $5 gift card from the previous transaction to pay for this transaction and walked out with $.90 left on the gift card.

So, do you want to know the grand total for the day?

Total spent:  $25.95

Total saved (coupons, gift cards, etc.):  $50.26

Total I would have spent if I didn’t use coupons:  $76.21

I saved 66% today!!

Now, I’ve gotta tell you that I had one of the most patient cashiers ever.  She never once lost her cool, despite having to void two entire transactions because I was dumb.  The first time, I didn’t get the twin pack of gel, and rather than make the customers behind me wait, she voided the transaction, let me run get it, waited on the next person, then started over with me.

For the second transaction, I had forgotten to get the second box of cartridges.  Because she had already completed the transaction (including the coupon part), the register wouldn’t kick out the gift card, so she had to void the entire thing while I ran and got another box from the shelves.  When I returned, she was just finishing the voids, and she started over.

To say that I was the object of everyone’s attention would be like saying there’s a sun in the sky.


But you do what you’ve gotta do when you want to save money and when your husband needs a shave.  He should be able to shave for a year without getting another cut…from a dull blade, that is.

2 Responses

  1. that is simply amazing!!!!! so impressive!!! And even better – husband now is stocked up for quite awhile!!!

  2. It’s so amazing how you work it all out!

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