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Prayer Requests

I would like to pray for you.  If you have any prayer requests, simply include it as a comment.

10 Responses

  1. I found this web site looking for a good winter hat pattern for women. I recently discovered the I love this Yarn at hobby lobby and it really knits or crochets good, and feels good in my hands.

    Please pray for my family, we are trying to hold on to our house, we have just been approved for a refinancing but we dont’ like the terms. It is not much better than before. Please pray we can work out something better with our company soon. Please pray we find a church, as we left a very controlling denomination and haven’t found one yet we trust. I want to draw closer to our Savior Jesus. he is the author and finisher of our faith and will never leave us nor will he forsake us. My daughter struggling right now, living with us with 3 children. We are praying for conviction for these young people to understand that sex outside of marriage is sin. I pray for my daughter to come to know the Lord in a deeper way.

    Thank you from Brenda

  2. Nathalie,

    Please pray for Sharon (Griffin) Fenn and her family. Her dad passed away unexpectedly this morning.

    Lara S. Tyler

  3. Dear ministry:

    Please pray that my husband and I move to a bigger apartment. We live in a attic – there are a lot of mice – I thank god for a place to live – but we need more space – we have no closet space and no closets – the place is small and too expensive. I also want to start my own home based business – I make jewerly and I want to work from home – I work in a crowded environment and very dirty and germing people. I’m so depressed when I have to go there it is really getting to my nerves sometimes I cry. Pray that my husband John Bynum gets a better job also.

    Please pray
    Thank you, God bless

  4. I found this site when i googled pre-game rituals. I must say I enjoyed reading your blog. I’m a highschool reporter and well, I was assigned to the sports section but.. shamefully.. I don’t really understand football. I’m doing a report on pre- game rituals, and although I probably can’t find any football related rituals here lol.
    I’d really appreciate it if you prayed for me and my family.
    We’re not exactly a Hallmark card, and we’ve been through a lot of hard times (like everyone).

    Please pray for my step-grandmother. She’s going to be let out of the hospital tomorrow. She has breast cancer, and is expected to die any day now. I feel very sad for my baby sister who is a week old who won’t even remember her grandmother’s face. Please pray for her, too. I would really appreciate this.


    • Monica, I’m so sorry for the loss you are about to endure. I just said a prayer for you, your sister, and the rest of your family. I also prayed that your grandmother will pass peacefully. Hugs to you…especially during this difficult time.

  5. I just found your site, when I was looking at my recent viewers. I must say I truly loved reading your blog! I too need some prayers. My daughters will both be undergoing foot surgeries come November, I will be losing my job come the end of October, and the thought of losing one of our incomes is scaring me quite badly, and we have been hit with some pretty dramatic unplanned bills recently, I need to find the strength tocope with all that is about to come upon my family in the coming months.

    • Hi Brandy! Thanks for visiting my blog! I love your’s as well! The deals you post are AWESOME!

      I will pray for your family…for your daughters’ surgeries and your financial situation.

      I was laid off last October and have been subbing in my school system since. I have been trying to find a teaching position but have been unsuccessful thus far, so I understand your anxiety.

      Remember that God will provide. You’re fortunate that you’re already a couponer. You will find this a huge lifesaver.

      Hang in there. There are many blessings in store for you. Just depend on God and give Him the glory for each day.

  6. i had a friend who reccomeneded your blog to read and as i was checking it out I saw this Tab. I absolutely love the idea and may suggest it on a freind of mine’s. I was wondering if you could say a prayer for one of my brother’s good friend’s who was diagnosed with lymes disease about a year ago and is going through a really tough ttime with it, he came out of a two-week coma just a few days ago as a result of prayer and a miracle, given by God. He is still not out of the woods thogh, and his family is going through a good deal of financial trouble related to paying for all of his medication. Please keep he and his family in your prayers.

    • Hi Willa! I am soooo glad you found my blog and that you commented! I just said a prayer for your brother’s friend. I pray that the financial burdens would be lifted, that his health would be restored, and that He would see God’s hand in everything. May God be glorified through this trying time. Hugs to you!!

  7. Both of my sisters are battling cancer right now, so prayers would be greatly appreciated. Marilyn was just diagnosed with lymphoma and Evelyn, diagnosed two years ago with leukemia, began another round of chemo last week.

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