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A Productive Monday

I can’t say that I’ve been super productive this summer.

I finally caved and turned off my alarm clock, except for World Cup game days and Sundays.

During the school year, I’ve already worked out, showered, and prepared my lunch by 7:15am.

This past weekend, I decided that I was going to have to regain some control.  After all, living like I’m retired is all fun and games until August rolls around.

So, I said that I’d get up at 7.

I lied.  To the universe, that is.


But seriously, after rolling out of bed around 9:45 and making my peanut butter banana shake, I headed out.

My first stop was the school.  I wanted to make sure that the schedule I’ve been told was mine is, still in fact, the schedule I’m set with.  Lesson plans are begging to be written so that I won’t find myself scrambling a few days before we open the doors to the new school year.

Alas, all of the administrators were in a meeting.  Nobody could tell me when my building’s floors will be waxed, so putting my classroom back together is still on the back burner.

Monday wasn’t looking like it was going to be very productive.

I managed to run to the grocery store and pick up a few items for dinner.

After an hour long workout (Day 75 of 80 Day Obsession, y’all), I was ready to sit down.

Only I didn’t because I had decided to be productive.

I spent the next four or five hours in the kitchen, with a brief break to fix the noise in my car (see yesterday’s post).

First, I made a bunch of boiled eggs for the Mr.  I use my Instant Pot for these because they come out perfectly each time.  He eats two of these every day for breakfast.

There were dishes from Sunday that needed to be washed.  It wound up taking a little longer because dirty dishes are like rabbits; they multiply!

After peeling the eggs, I prepped the veggies for the Mr.’s dinner so I’d be ready to throw everything onto the stove when he got home.

Go me!

Then, I baked a batch of chocolate chip muffins for myself.

Don’t judge.  The Mr. still had some of his cake leftover.

I figured to strike while the oven was hot . . . kill two birds with one stone . . . and prepped a new-to-me dish.

A week or two ago, I’d seen a recipe posted by the Minimalist Baker on her Instagram account.  It intrigued me because I had most of the ingredients already, and it seemed pretty easy to prepare.

For the first time ever, I roasted a cauliflower, adding the sauce as directed in her step-by-step instructions.

Look how pretty it turned out.

My Instant Pot got a workout today!  I pulled it out for the second time and prepared quinoa.

Then, for the first time ever, I made the Chimichurri sauce that is mentioned in the cauliflower recipe.

Y’all, this stuff, which I’ve never eaten before, is AMAZING!  It really boosted the rest of my dinner, which was fabulous.

You know, after all of that work, I think I’m going to take it a little easy today.  I’m pretty sure I expended enough energy for a couple of days.