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Christmas Memory #14

Back to a childhood memory…

My mom started a wonderful tradition when my sister and I were young. Each Christmas Eve, we opened one present each. Mom picked the gifts she wanted us to open.

Without fail, we received games or a crafty thing. Mom was wise. She knew that these gifts would help us get through the long evening.

I don’t remember the games we received, but I do remember hours spent with my sister, figuring out the games’ rules, talking excitedly about the upcoming morning, and actually getting along with one another.

One of my favorite Christmas Eve gifts was a paint-by-number kit. I must have been 17 or so…way past the age of doing stuff like this. However, it was a much nicer kit than I’ve ever seen. The scene I painted that night was one of nature. I loved watching the picture come to life before my eyes.

I kept that painting for a few years. That’s how much joy it brought me.

A Photography Session With the Pups

Soccer Chick and Mr. AuburnChick left for her practice shortly after church.  She was going two hours away to get prepared for a tournament that her travel team will be participating in after Christmas (think Disney at New Year’s…fun stuff, I tell you).

As soon as they hit the road, Rooster and I decided to have a little fun.

First, he dressed up Aubie and Pele in his favorite football jerseys…

Aubie is hoping that Auburn will do better next year. Pele is wearing a Tampa Bay jersey.  Cadillac Williams, the team’s quarterback, attended Auburn a few years ago…hence the connection.

Once we got started taking pictures, we had a hard time stopping…

For that picture, I focused the camera while Rooster gently placed the hat and ran.  Poor Pele…so mistreated, eh?

The last thing we decided to do was try to get a Christmas picture.  I’ve seen photos that other people have taken of their pups…sitting obediently in front of a tree or fireplace…

Easier said than done.

First of all, Molly was scared of the tree.  I could get her to sit, but if I tried to slide her toward the tree, she got up and ran from me.  And so it went with the other dogs.

In desperation, I pulled out the treat jar.  Contrary to settling them down, it only excited them further.  They would sit only as long as they were chomping on a treat, then they were back up on their paws begging for more.

I gave Rooster the jar and he sat on the floor feeding them the goodies.  I can’t show you that picture, though, since it’s got Rooster’s entire body in it.  It’s too cute though.  Here is a picture of the dogs looking at him with the treats…almost perfect, but not quite…

Rooster then moved right behind me, issuing the order to “STAY, STAY, STAY.”


They’re all in the picture, and you can even see the tree.

Mission accomplished.