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I Spy…

A big green hat…

More specifically, different people wearing my Big Seed Stitch Hat with Pom Pom, a free pattern located here.

I knit this hat during last year’s high school soccer season.  Soccer Chick was mortified when she spied me wearing it during one of her games.  I managed to get a photo of myself without completely revealing my face (safety on the blog, ya know):

Despite Soccer Chick’s insistence that I never wear the hat in public, I continued to tote it to the games.  The yarn, Lion Brand BIG Solid, had been a gift from a KnittingHelp Christmas Swap.  The hat is as warm as it looks.  The pom pom is as hideous in real life too.  This was before I had learned how to properly make a pom pom.

This year, I began taking pictures of Soccer Chick and Rooster’s high school games and posting pictures on a Shutterfly share site.  I continued to tote the hat to the games in case I forgot one of the other ones I’ve since knit up.

Someone saw my hat and wanted to put it on.

I snapped his picture (he’s a good sport):

After I took this picture, a student insisted that I allow her to wear the hat to keep her warm.  Of course, I was happy to oblige…

On the season went.  The hat traveled everywhere with me, as did the courage to ask people to put it on for a quick click of the camera.  Most people wanted to keep it on, though.  That’s how comfy it is.

The hat was spied at a tournament the team attended in December…

The above guy and the gal pictured below are siblings…each play on their respective teams at the school and were attending each others’ games…

And the school’s principal, who has been attending the latest playoff games…

You already saw the picture of the principal (above) with a district administrator…

During last night’s game, which Soccer Chick’s team won 5-1, I scored three photo ops:

An enthusiastic fan…

A teacher at the school…

And last, but not least, the school resource officer who also attends after-school activities…

I wonder who will be asked to wear the hat at Tuesday’s game…

More Evidence That the Kids are Growing Up

Four family members…four different bottles of shampoo.  I cannot believe I spent $25 at Target today on shampoo, one bottle of conditioner, and a can of shaving cream.  Ahhh…the price of beauty.

I’m sure you’re wondering why in the world I’m bothering to post about this.

Well, take a closer look at one of  the bottles:

The above bottle is for Rooster.  His only request was that I get something “manly.”

When I saw that this was a 3-in-1 mixture, I knew I had to buy it.  You see, the last time I bought a bottle of shampoo for Rooster…well…I think it was about a year ago.

Yeah, I know.  Scary.

Soccer Chick and I have often wondered exactly what he’s doing when he showers.  We’ve actually questioned if he even gets in there…perhaps running the water for an allotted span of time without actually getting in, all in the name of making things look legit.  I’ll admit that I did the same thing, but that was before I turned ten or so.

Perhaps Rooster has been getting under the water.  It could be that he shares my love of long, hot showers.  I understand how you can get lost in the moment.  But, to forget to wash your hair for days at a time?

The shampoo isn’t the only personal hygiene item that hasn’t been replenished often.  The bar of soap has been in the bathroom for over a year.  Soccer Chick uses body wash…the stuff that girls like…so the bar belongs to Rooster.

Yeah, I know.  Nasty.

My explanation?

He’s a boy.

Rooster claimed that the reason why the soap wasn’t being used quickly was because he was using shampoo to clean his body.

Right.  If you say so.

When he told me that he needed more shampoo, I did cheerleader jumps in my head.  I was ecstatic.  Maybe he’s actually beginning to care what he smells like.  Could it be a girl at school who’s suddenly sparked this desire to groom himself properly?  Who knows.  Who cares.

Regardless, I made a trip to Target today and emitted a shrill cry of delight when I saw the 3-in-1 stuff.  Oh yeah.  Now, if he gives me the above argument, I might actually believe him.

With Rooster perhaps showing signs of caring what he smells like, and hence reinstating my faith that boys do, eventually, grow up, Soccer Chick shocked me last night by declaring her desire for fruits and vegetables.  In her words, “I want to start eating healthier and am craving fruit.”


Am I viewing glimpses into the future when sparks of maturity might turn into longer-burning flames of adulthood?  Time will tell.

Evolution of a Knitter

Another finished project!!  I’m so excited!  I really needed something to cheer me up after a rough couple of days, eh?

Do you remember this yarn…

Misti Alpaca  Hand Painted Chunky - Colorway is Marvelous

Misti Alpaca Hand Painted Chunky - Colorway is "Marvelous"

It was soft enough to coax me away from the socks I have on my needles.

I have to tell you that I think I see signs that I am evolving as a knitter.  Here’s the process, as I see it.

When you first start knitting, you’re concerned more with the “how-to’s” of the stitches.  You pick easy patterns and use whatever yarn is handy.

Gradually, you start learning about different yarns as you begin to visit yarn stores and talking to other yarnies.  You start getting more selective with your patterns and begin challenging yourself with more difficult projects.

This is when you start investing in the good stuff…interchangeable needles, smooshy yarn, dazzly stitch markers.

Before you know it, you’re paying particular attention to the color variations within your yarn and how the pattern will complement them.

And then you start getting picky.  I mean, knitting is hard work, and the yarn is expensive.  You don’t want to waste your efforts for a project that does not turn out the way you envisioned it.

This is the stage that I’m at now.

I knew, when I bought the yarn, that I wanted to make a scarf.  The gal in the store suggested a 2×2 rib.  I decided to check Ravelry first, though, just in case I found a pattern I liked better.

First, I decided to make the Misti Chunk Ribs and Ruffles Scarf.  If you’re on Ravelry, you can find the pattern on this page.  You can also click on this link to download the pattern directly from the Misti Alpaca web site.

Well, after a couple of inches, I realized that I was not liking how it was coming out.  I had envisioned a thick scarf, similar in feel to my Palindrome Scarf, which I wear to all of the soccer games I attend.

So, I frogged and went back to the drawing board.

I decided to try the 2×2 rib, as suggested by the gal in the shop where I purchased the yarn from.

After a couple of inches of this pattern, it was apparent that this was not going to work either.


I was not happy.

So, I went back to Ravelry and searched again.  I went back and forth, trying to decide if I would attempt the Ribbed and Ruffle Scarf again or try something else.  I wondered if I was over-thinking things.

I posted an SOS in the Stitch-It forum.  Sometimes it helps to get the opinion of others.  By far, the pattern that got the most votes was My So Called Scarf.  You can find the Ravelry pattern link here, and the regular internet link here.

Did you know that patterns on Ravelry have a comments tab.  I have found it very helpful to check out the comments before starting a project.  Included in this pattern’s comments was this link to a video that demonstrated the strangely-worded stitch instructions.   Armed with the additional information, I cast on.

I began this project on the 20th of January and “officially” finished it this morning, the 28th.  In reality, the pattern was so simple that it shouldn’t have taken so long to complete; however, as you’ve been reading, my life has been hectic, leaving little time to work on it.  I used both skeins I had purchased.  The scarf measures 54″ x 4 1/2″.  Not too long, I know, but it’s perfect for my height, which is, to be politically-correct, “petite.”

Here are the results…

My So Called Scarf

My So Called Scarf

The next picture shows a good comparison of the wrong side (the left) and the right side (on the right)…

The next picture is a close-up of the stitch pattern.  As you can see, it really does showcase the yarn.

One special note:  if you make this scarf, make sure you check out the bind-off suggestion on the comments tab on Ravelry.  This scarf has a reputation for having a flared bind-off edge.  Of course, I had to learn the hard way and bound off the usual way…purling since I was on the wrong side.  The result was hideous.  So, I frogged that last row and followed the suggestion…to p2tog, p2tog, and then bring the first stitch over the second one (the one closest to the tip of the needle).  From there, you just p2tog and bring that first stitch over each time, as in a regular bind off.

Voila.  I had a straight edge.

Perhaps, one day, I’ll evolve to the next phase of knitting…writing my own patterns.  Time will tell.

Atheism, Feminism, and the Bible

One of the blogs I read regularly is True Woman ’08.  A video was shared in today’s post.  I think it’s worth viewing, because in it, Dr. Ravi Zacharias  gives an eye-opening explanation of how God’s Word reveals His respect for women.

A Night of Excitement

No, it’s not what you think, so get your mind out of the gutter.

You know that my life is very rarely, if ever, calm.  Tonight was no exception.

First of all, let me start out by saying that Soccer Chick’s “new” coach generously released her from the obligation to his team.  The Mr. and I were shocked.  We had braced ourselves for a stronger response.  What a huge relief.

You’d think the rest of the day would be easy, but this is the AuburnChick household.  There is no easy button.

I was sitting around this evening, knitting on my newest project (to be posted soon, I hope) when I got up to let the dogs in.  Molly and Aubie were patiently waiting at the door for me.

All of a sudden, Molly turned on Aubie and attacked her.  Apparently, Aubie was too close to her.

And the evening went downhill from there.

Aubie had to defend herself and got hold of Molly.  Neither would let go.

The Mr. and I tried desperately to pull them apart without getting bitten in the process.  At one point, we each had the back legs of the dogs, trying to pull them apart.  Aubie had a fierce grip on what appeared to be one of Molly’s eyes.  I was standing behind Molly and was dreading what I would have to face later.  We have no idea how Aubie held on so strongly because all of her front teeth are gone.  She’s old.

Don’t ask me how we got them separated, but when we did, I dragged Molly backward into the house and straight to the bathroom.  She was limping again, this time on the other foot.  This was the third fight in a week and a half, and the second in one day.

Molly has a very deep gash in one leg.  We think it went to the muscle.  She has another puncture wound right below the gash.  Her ear was torn up.  Fortunately, her eye is okay.  Aubie got her ear instead.

Aubie has gashes across her back, but it appears she suffered the least physical of the two.  Emotionally, she’s a wreck…shaking like a leaf.  I guess you could compare her to an elderly person being mugged.  In shock.

We decided we better call a vet, but of course all of the offices were already closed.  After a bit of discussion, we decided to page one of the doctors.  Molly’s gash looked like it needed attention.  The vet seemed a bit hesitant but finally agreed to meet us.

Thank goodness.  One look at Molly was all he needed to understand that my concerns had not been for nothing.  This was much more serious than a scrape.  I tried to explain that I had seen children through many bumps, bruises, and cuts during their young lives, and rarely had I taken them to the emergency room.  This time was different.

He put Molly under and got her sewn up.  I cried when I saw Molly trying to sleep off the anesthesia.  She seemed so helpless.

I think I cried because of the love I feel so deeply for my furry babies (remember what I went through with the rat).  We rescued Molly from our local animal shelter.  We suspect that she was younger than eight weeks old…living on the streets when someone found her and turned her over to the  animal authorities.  We nursed her back to health through a severe case of worms and kennel cough.  The vet, at that time, couldn’t assure me that she would live.

I’m worried that I might have to give her up.  All to preserve two lives.

Aubie has been with our family for nine years…ever since Rooster was in kindergarten and wrote in his journal (yes, they were writing that early on), “I loved my dog, and my dog loved me.”  He was referring to a dog we had previously owned but given to a friend due to Soccer Chick’s allergies.  Aubie filled a need inside of Rooster.  She, too, was rescued from an animal shelter.

She’s old now…has gray hair around her face.

None of us can fathom the thought of losing her to a dog fight.  In fact, the thought of her passing, regardless of the “how” brings us all to tears as we know the time will come one day.

For now, we’re going to keep them separated.  Molly will stay in a crate during the day when I’m at work, and the other dogs will stay out.  We’ll work to ensure that they spend as little time together until things cool down.  The vet suggested obedience training to teach Molly to be submissive.  She clearly wants to be the alpha dog and tries to intimidate Aubie.  Poor Aubie gives off an air of fear, which feeds Molly’s sense of power.

The kids are very upset, as am I.  I know that God cares about every facet of our lives, so I’m asking that you pray for us.  Please pray that I would be receptive to whatever solution He deems best, and, if possible, that a way be found to keep our feisty sweetheart (Molly) with us.

An Interesting Video

I have long been a fan of the Way of the Master ministry.  It is a ministry dedicated to presenting the Gospel to people through the use of God’s Commandments (the Law).  This method is simply fascinating.

Today, I got this video clip in their weekly email.  Take special note of how Ray Comfort (the man holding the microphone) deals with the questions that are thrown at him.

Mama is on a Tear

Continuing the dramatic theme from my last post (and having not checked the PMS calendar yet), I continue.

First, look at this:

What is it, you wonder.

Well, it’s my way of trying to avoid nagging while teaching the kids responsibility and accountability.

I devised this chart a couple of summers ago when the kids were home all day and I was working.  Might as well put them to work instead of letting them sit in front of the Boob Tube all day.

I have always been a firm believer in teaching the kids how to be responsible.  I think that completing chores is a fair thing to ask of family members and should not be compensated for via payment (i.e. allowances).  We’re a family, and we should all help out.

That said, it can be hard for the kids to remember exactly everything that needs to be done.  There are, as you can see, quite a few things on the list.  This list doesn’t even include such things as washing the floor, cleaning the refrigerator, or washing baseboards.   It’s a fair list, I think.

Since the kids went back to school, we’ve forgone the list.  And I’ve nagged, and nagged, and nagged.  With little success.  In fact, all that has been developed is resentment, on the part of all sides.

So, I’m bringing back the list.

I fully expect the kids to be mad.

I don’t care.  The list will speak for me.  It gives them leeway in deciding what day to do 1x/week and 2x/week chores.  However, I will make it clear that outside activities will not be allowed until said items are completed.  And, if chores are not completed properly, they will redo said tasks (the kids are old enough to know and do better, unlike young children where more leeway should be given).  Play is the reward to a hard day’s work.  Or, in this case, maybe an hour to an hour and a half is all that is required to get the job(s) done.

If you are interested in obtaining this chart, let me know.  I’ll be more than happy to send it to you via email.  It’s an Excel file.

Drama Llama

The above term was used in a recent Ravelry thread I read.  I love it!  It totally fits me today.

First, picture Your’s Truly, poised dramatically with the back of her hand placed carefully across the top of her forehead in the “Whoa is me” look…

Ok…now that the scene has been set, please proceed in your reading (I told you that I am all about drama today)…

My Monday has started off in a very stressful way.

Aubie and Molly, my female dogs, had another fight this morning! Right off the bat too! I think that Molly is waking up in a bad mood because Aubie has been sleeping with Rooster. Aubie ran in and jumped on my bed to say good morning. Molly stood on the floor and wouldn’t let her get off.


I’m not sure who struck first, but they went at it…in a very small room.

Mr. AuburnChick threw water on them…to no avail. He finally used a clothes hamper to separate them. Aubie has a couple of puncture wounds…nothing major…and Molly…well, I can’t tell. Poor Aubie, though. She’s nine years old and is scared stiff…shaking like a leaf.

Aubie has an appointment with the vet tomorrow for yearly shots. I’m going to ask them what they suggest. I’ve also got, in the back of my mind, the idea that I might need to find Molly a new home. This totally breaks my heart as she is really a sweetheart. She just refuses to submit to Aubie’s place in the clan. I wish the Dog Whisperer could come to my house.

On another note…

The Mr. and Soccer Chick’s former coach have been sending emails back and forth since a Disney tournament. Daughter played with her new team (which is actually her team from two years ago). This is the team she went back to after quitting the really good team, which said coach led. I’m sure you remember my hysterical posting that weekend.

Anyhow, her “new” team had a TERRIBLE showing at Disney, which is a college showcase. It’s important because a lot of college coaches attend to recruit the best for their teams. Ugh. Chicky didn’t get a lot of attention…a disaster.

She and the Mr. (remember that Rooster was sick during Christmas, so we stayed home to allow him to recover) went to watch her old team play…they wound up winning the entire thing! They are one of the best teams in her age group in Florida.

She realized that she misses the competition and the girls. We really, really miss everyone too. The parents do everything together, and there’s a lot of team bonding stuff going on during the tournaments. Unlike the “new” team, where nobody did anything together. So sad.

So, Chick’s former coach wants her back. We discussed it with her and let her make the decision. We’re under the gun because the old team is going to a tournament in Vegas, and we have to make hotel and plane reservations TODAY.

Chicky walked in this morning and told dh that she had decided to play for the old team.

So now, we have a new dilemma…getting her “new” coach to release her from the team. He was quick to accept her after the switch before. We have no idea what he’s going to do now. He’s a nice guy, but I cannot imagine what this is going to do to him.


So, that’s my Monday, in a not-so-nutshell.

Oh, and I am not working today. Sigh.

In true drama fashion, AuburnChick faints from the sheer volume of emotions running through her today.

She’ll later check her calendar to see if PMS had anything to do with today’s emotional response.

You Know You Live in the Country When…

You drive to a get-together for the high school soccer team, and this is what the road looks like:

Soccer Chick’s coach generously offered to host the team at his little abode.  After driving  across a long dirt road, we saw this sign:

The one-lane dirt road continued deeper into the country.  Where in the world does this coach live, we wondered.

I didn’t take a picture of the house, but let’s just say that it was GORGEOUS!  It sits atop a hill with a lake behind it.

We walked into the house, and centered over the fireplace and flat screen TV was this…

Yep…I live in the country, that’s for sure.

A Flash From the Past

When I walked into my subbing job on Thursday, I spied something I had not seem in many years.  I eagerly ran over and stretched out my arms to embrace it.  My students got a good chuckle at my strange antics.

It would be a bit of a stretch to say that this “something” and I were on friendly terms many moons ago, although we did spend quite a bit of time together.  We certainly did battle a few times, as I attempted to diagram sentences or work out equations without numbers.  My skin crawled as it made horrible squeaky noises unexpectedly.

And yet, much of my childhood was spent around this “something.”  Enough time, in fact, that my heart warmed at the sight of it.

I couldn’t help myself.  I had to claim it as mine, if only for a few hours.

Yes, my friends, the “something” was actually a chalkboard.

What fun it used to be to get to wash down the chalkboard and clap the erasers together to free them from the chalk dust that amassed on them each week.  I even remember the four or five wired chalk holder the teachers used to draw straight lines across the board.  These lines were used to torture us as we wrote in cursive on the board.

I used to have my own big chalkboard at home.  It was the kind you could write on both sides.  It was mounted on a stand with enough room to flip over.  My sister and I spent hours, each of us on opposite sides, drawing surprises for the other or playing hangman.

I love how seemingly simple objects can evoke warm memories.